Injection Molding Plastic Products in Healthcare by PMS

Cutting-Edge Injection Molded Plastic Solutions

PMS, where a decade of expertise in Plastic Injection Molding meets innovation and sustainability. We’re not just a manufacturer, we’re your end-to-end partner in delivering reliable and eco-friendly healthcare solutions.

Still not find what you're looking for? Contact our consultants for more available products.

Why is it Relevant in Healthcare


Plastics can be easily sterilized, making them ideal for medical applications.


High-quality plastics can withstand extreme conditions, including high temperatures and corrosive chemicals.


Injection molding allows for high levels of customization, which is often required for specialized medical equipment.


The process is well-suited for mass production, reducing the overall cost of healthcare supplies.

Types of Products

PMS specializes in various types of healthcare-related plastic products, such as:

  • Surgical Instruments: Scalpel handles, forceps, and clamps.
  • Medical Containers: Syringe barrels, vial containers, and medicine bottles.
  • Implantable Devices: Hip and knee replacements, pacemaker cases.
  • Diagnostic Equipment: Components for MRI machines, X-ray devices.
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  • High Precision: Injection molding allows for the production of highly accurate and consistent components.
  • Speed: Once the initial setup is complete, the injection molding process is extremely fast, allowing for high-volume production.
  • Material Versatility: A wide range of medical-grade plastics can be used, including polyethylene, polypropylene, and specialized biocompatible materials.


  • Biodegradable Plastics: PMS is researching and increasingly using biodegradable medical-grade plastics that break down naturally over time, reducing long-term waste.
  • Recycled Materials: Wherever possible and without compromising quality, PMS incorporates recycled plastics into its products.
  • Energy-Efficient Machinery: PMS employs state-of-the-art injection molding machines that are energy-efficient, reducing the carbon footprint of each product manufactured.
  • Zníženie odpadu: Advanced molding techniques are used to minimize waste material. Any waste that is generated is recycled or repurposed within the facility.
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Skok vášho podnikania s PMS

From product development to logistics, our end-to-end services set new industry standards. Choose PMS for unparalleled quality and forward-thinking in healthcare.

Nehýbte sa, všetko zvládneme


Spoločnosť PMS prispôsobuje produkty vašim presným potrebám a úzko spolupracuje na poskytovaní riešení, ktoré dokonale zodpovedajú vašej vízii.


S využitím pokročilých odborných znalostí vyrába PMS presné formy pre konzistentnú vysokokvalitnú výrobu.


PMS vyniká vo veľkom meradle vstrekovaním, udržiavaním efektívnosti a špičkovej kvality od nákupu až po montáž.

Rýchle doručenie

PMS zaisťuje rýchle časy obratu bez obetovania kvality, vďaka čomu sú vaše operácie efektívne a efektívne.

Popredajné služby

Okrem predaja PMS podporuje špecializovanú službu pre bezproblémový životný cyklus produktu.

Marketingová podpora

Zvýšte svoju prítomnosť na trhu s marketingovou pomocou PMS, čím zvýšite svoj úspech.

Prečo je PMS vaším ideálnym partnerom pre vstrekovanie plastov

10-ročné skúsenosti so vstrekovaním

Využite desaťročie majstrovstva pre riešenia na mieru, ktoré presne zodpovedajú vašim potrebám. Naša skúsená odbornosť zaisťuje, že vaša vízia ožije bezchybne.

  • Výrobné zariadenie s rozlohou 20 000 metrov štvorcových
  • 8 Pokročilá výrobná linka
  • Vyvážalo sa viac ako 20 krajín
pms vstrekovacia linka

Certifikáty a správy o skúškach

Zvýšte dôveru s našimi medzinárodne uznávanými certifikátmi. Prísne testovanie podčiarkuje náš záväzok voči vašim bezpečnostným a kvalitatívnym štandardom.

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Schválenie FAD
  • Súlad s CE
ISO certifikáty

Pokročilý CNC stroj

Zažite redefinovanú presnosť vďaka pokročilej CNC technológii. Očakávajte zložité návrhy s pozoruhodnou presnosťou, minimalizujúce chyby v každom produkte.

  • Presný obrábací stroj
  • Pokročilý vstrekovací stroj
  • Autobaliaci stroj
pokročilý stroj

Konkurenčné ceny

Odhaľte neprekonateľnú hodnotu bez kompromisov. Naša strategická cenotvorba spája kvalitu a nákladovú efektívnosť, čím zvyšuje váš konečný výsledok a dokonalosť produktov.

  • Náklady na suroviny
  • Výrobné náklady
  • Logistické náklady
konkurenčnú cenu

Čo hovoria naši spokojní zákazníci

Zákaznícke recenzie sú vždy najlepším odrazom našich produktov a služieb. Pozrite sa, čo povedali naši zákazníci.


As a surgeon, I need instruments that are not only precise but also reliable. PMS’s injection-molded scalpel handles and forceps have been a game-changer in my operating room. The quality is top-notch, and the fact that they are focusing on sustainability makes me feel good about using their products. I highly recommend PMS for any healthcare professional looking for excellence and reliability.

Dr. Emily Thompson



Managing the supply chain for a large hospital is no small feat. We need products that are cost-effective without compromising on quality. PMS’s injection-molded medical containers have proven to be both. Their attention to detail, right from product development to transportation, has made my job a lot easier. Plus, their sustainability initiatives align well with our hospital’s goals.

Mark Johnson

Hospital Supply Chain Manager


In orthopedics, the materials we use must meet the highest standards for durability and safety. PMS’s implantable devices, like hip and knee replacements, have consistently met and exceeded those standards. Their commitment to quality assurance and innovation sets them apart in the industry. It’s a brand I trust, and my patients do too.

Dr. Sarah Lee

Orthopedic Specialist

Vy sa pýtate, my odpovedáme

V prípade akýchkoľvek ďalších otázok alebo konkrétnych otázok neváhajte kontaktuj nás.

A: PMS specializes in a wide range of healthcare products, including surgical instruments, medical containers, implantable devices, and diagnostic equipment components.

A: Yes, our products are designed to be easily sterilized, making them ideal for medical applications.

A: We use a variety of medical-grade plastics, including polyethylene, polypropylene, and specialized biocompatible materials.

A: Our clientele mainly consists of B2B customers, including brand owners, importers, wholesalers, and distributors.

A: Absolutely, we offer comprehensive services from product development and design to production, packaging, and transportation.

A: We have rigorous quality control measures in place, including testing protocols and compliance checks, to ensure the safety and effectiveness of our products.

A: Yes, our products meet or exceed various international healthcare regulations, providing peace of mind to our clients.

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