Premium Injection Molding Solutions for Beauty and Personal Care
Ever-evolving beauty and personal care industry
With over a decade of dedicated experience, PMS has emerged as a leading manufacturer in China. We offer comprehensive services, covering every aspect from product development and design to precise production, secure packaging, and reliable transportation. Our extensive clientele includes brand owners, importers, wholesalers, and distributors, and we take immense pride in our established collaborations with globally renowned retail brands.
Still not find what you're looking for? Contact our consultants for more available products.
Advantages of Injection Molding
Diseinu korapilatsua maisu dimentsio zehatzekin.
Hainbat forma eta eredu korapilatsuak egokitzen ditu.
Kalitate uniformea dimentsio koherenteen bidez bermatua.
Ekoizpen txiki edo ertainetarako aproposa, irtenbide errentagarriak eskainiz.
Custom Cosmetic Tool Components
Our custom components for cosmetic tools, including brush handles and applicator heads, prioritize user comfort and effectiveness.
Ergonomic Design: Our tool components are designed for ease of use and comfort.
Material Versatility: We offer a range of materials, from durable plastics to eco-friendly options.
Precision Manufacturing: Our advanced injection molding technology ensures precision in every component.
Cosmetic Packaging Containers
Our cosmetic packaging containers offer a stunning range of options, from sleek tubes to intricately designed jars, bottles, and compacts.
Premium Materials: We exclusively use FDA-approved, high-quality materials, ensuring your products meet the strictest industry standards.
Airtight Sealing: Our containers preserve product freshness and integrity.
Customization: Choose from various shapes, sizes, and finishes to create unique packaging that aligns with your brand identity.
Caps and Dispensers
Our caps and dispensers combine functionality with aesthetics to ensure a seamless user experience.
Precise Dispensing: Our dispensers guarantee precise and controlled product distribution, reducing waste and enhancing user satisfaction.
Branding Options: We offer embossing, debossing, and custom color matching to integrate your branding seamlessly.
Safety First: For products requiring extra safety measures, we provide child-resistant cap solutions.
Gora zure negozioa PMS-rekin
At PMS, we understand the importance of personalization in the beauty industry. We offer color choices, Logo and Branding Integration.
Ez zaitez mugitu, dena kudeatuko dugu
PMS-k produktuak zure behar zehatzetara egokitzen ditu, lankidetza estuan zure ikuspegiarekin ezin hobeto egokitzen diren irtenbideak emateko.
Espezializazio aurreratua erabiliz, PMS-k molde zehatzak lantzen ditu kalitate handiko ekoizpen koherenterako.
PMS eskala handiko injekzio-moldean nabarmentzen da, eraginkortasuna eta maila goreneko kalitatea mantenduz hornitzetik muntaketara arte.
Bidalketa azkarra
PMS-k erantzun-epe azkarrak bermatzen ditu kalitatea uko egin gabe, zure eragiketak erraztu eta eraginkorrak mantenduz.
Salmenta Osteko Zerbitzua
Salmentaz haratago, PMS-k zerbitzu dedikatu batekin onartzen du produktuaren bizi-ziklo bateratu baterako.
Handitu zure merkatuko presentzia PMS-ren marketin-laguntzarekin, zure arrakasta hobetuz.
Zergatik da PMS zure injekzio-moldaketa-kide ideala
10 urteko injekzio-moldeaketa esperientzia
Aprobetxatu hamarkada bateko maisutasuna zure beharrak zehatz-mehatz betetzen dituzten neurrirako irtenbideetarako. Gure esperientzia onduak zure ikuspegia ezin hobeto bizitzea ziurtatzen du.
- 20.000 metro koadroko ekoizpen instalazioa
- 8 Ekoizpen lerro aurreratua
- 20+ herrialde esportatu dira
Ziurtagiriak eta Proba Txostenak
Handitu konfiantza nazioartean aitortutako gure ziurtagiriekin. Proba zorrotzek zure segurtasun eta kalitate estandarekiko konpromisoa azpimarratzen dute.
- ISO 9001:2015
- FAD onarpena
- CE betetzea
CNC Makina aurreratua
Esperientzia CNC teknologia aurreratuaren bidez birdefinitutako doitasuna. Espero diseinu korapilatsuak zehaztasun nabarmenarekin, produktu guztietan akatsak gutxituz.
- Doitasun-tresnen makina
- Injekzio-makina aurreratua
- Auto-ontziratzeko makina
Prezio lehiakorrak
Erakutsi balio paregabea konpromisorik gabe. Gure prezio estrategikoak kalitatea eta kostu-eraginkortasuna nahasten ditu, zure emaitza eta produktuaren bikaintasuna areagotuz.
- Lehengaien kostua
- Ekoizpen kostua
- Kostu logistikoa
Gure bezero pozik esaten dutena
Bezeroen iritziak beti dira gure produktu eta zerbitzuen islarik onena. Begiratu gure bezeroek esandakoari.
Sarah Thompson
CEO, Luxe Beauty Co.
“PMS has been a game-changer for our brand. Their cosmetic packaging containers are stunning and functional. PMS is an invaluable partner in our success.”
John Davis
Product Manager, Glamorize Cosmetics
“PMS’s caps and dispensers have revolutionized our products. Their precision and branding options elevate our packaging. PMS understands the beauty industry.”
Maria Rodriguez
Product Development Director, Beauty Innovations Inc.
“PMS consistently delivers exceptional quality for our beauty tools. Their designs improve the user experience, and their precision manufacturing sets them apart.”
Zuk galdetu, guk erantzun
Edozein kontsulta edo galdera zehatzetarako, ez izan zalantzarik jarri gurekin harremanetan.
Injection molding plays a crucial role in creating packaging, containers, dispensers, and components for beauty and personal care products. It allows for precision manufacturing of plastic parts with various shapes and sizes.
Injection molding is used to produce a wide range of products, including cosmetic packaging containers, caps, dispensers, applicators, and custom components for beauty tools.
Yes, the plastic materials used in injection molding for beauty and personal care products are FDA-approved and meet stringent safety standards. They are designed to ensure product integrity and consumer safety.
Our extensive expertise, commitment to quality, customization options, and sustainability efforts distinguish us in the industry. We work closely with clients to meet their specific needs and sustainability goals.
Absolutely. PMS offers comprehensive design and development services. Our experienced team collaborates with clients to create custom solutions that align with their brand identity and product requirements.
We offer customization in terms of color choices, logo and branding integration, and design features for our plastic injection molding products. Our goal is to help you create unique and appealing products.
You can contact us via email at [Email Address] or by phone at [Phone Number]. Additionally, you can use the contact form provided on this webpage to reach out to our team. We look forward to assisting you.