Injection Molding Plastic Products in Healthcare by PMS

Cutting-Edge Injection Molded Plastic Solutions

PMS, where a decade of expertise in Plastic Injection Molding meets innovation and sustainability. We’re not just a manufacturer, we’re your end-to-end partner in delivering reliable and eco-friendly healthcare solutions.

Still not find what you're looking for? Contact our consultants for more available products.

Why is it Relevant in Healthcare


Plastics can be easily sterilized, making them ideal for medical applications.


High-quality plastics can withstand extreme conditions, including high temperatures and corrosive chemicals.


Injection molding allows for high levels of customization, which is often required for specialized medical equipment.


The process is well-suited for mass production, reducing the overall cost of healthcare supplies.

Types of Products

PMS specializes in various types of healthcare-related plastic products, such as:

  • Surgical Instruments: Scalpel handles, forceps, and clamps.
  • Medical Containers: Syringe barrels, vial containers, and medicine bottles.
  • Implantable Devices: Hip and knee replacements, pacemaker cases.
  • Diagnostic Equipment: Components for MRI machines, X-ray devices.
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  • High Precision: Injection molding allows for the production of highly accurate and consistent components.
  • Speed: Sodra die aanvanklike opstelling voltooi is, is die spuitgietproses uiters vinnig, wat voorsiening maak vir hoë-volume produksie.
  • Materiële veelsydigheid: 'n Wye reeks mediese-graad plastiek kan gebruik word, insluitend poliëtileen, polipropileen, en gespesialiseerde bioversoenbare materiale.


  • Bioafbreekbare plastiek: PMS ondersoek en gebruik toenemend bio-afbreekbare mediese-graad plastiek wat natuurlik afbreek met verloop van tyd, wat langtermyn-afval verminder.
  • Herwonne materiaal: Waar moontlik en sonder om kwaliteit in te boet, inkorporeer PMS herwinde plastiek in sy produkte.
  • Energiedoeltreffende masjinerie: PMS gebruik moderne spuitgietmasjiene wat energiedoeltreffend is, wat die koolstofvoetspoor van elke vervaardigde produk verminder.
  • Vermindering van afval: Advanced molding techniques are used to minimize waste material. Any waste that is generated is recycled or repurposed within the facility.
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Skyrock Your Business with PMS

From product development to logistics, our end-to-end services set new industry standards. Choose PMS for unparalleled quality and forward-thinking in healthcare.

Don’t move, We’ll Handle Everything


PMS tailors products to your precise needs, collaborating closely to deliver solutions that align perfectly with your vision.


Employing advanced expertise, PMS crafts precise molds for consistent high-quality production.


PMS excels in large-scale injection molding, maintaining efficiency and top-tier quality from sourcing to assembly.

Quick Delivery

PMS ensures swift turnaround times without sacrificing quality, keeping your operations streamlined and effective.

Na-verkope diens

Beyond sale, PMS supports with dedicated service for a seamless product lifecycle.


Elevate your market presence with PMS’s marketing assistance, enhancing your success.

Why PMS is Your Ideal Injection Molding Partner

10 Years Injection Molding Experience

Harness a decade of mastery for tailored solutions that meet your needs precisely. Our seasoned expertise ensures your vision comes to life flawlessly.

  • 20,000 Square meters production facility
  • 8 Advanced production line
  • 20+ Countries exported
pms injection molding line

Certificates and Testing Reports

Verhoog vertroue met ons internasionaal erkende sertifisering. Streng toetsing onderstreep ons toewyding aan u veiligheid- en kwaliteitstandaarde.

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • FAD-goedkeuring
  • CE Voldoening

Gevorderde CNC-masjien

Ervaar presisie wat herdefinieer word deur gevorderde CNC-tegnologie. Verwag ingewikkelde ontwerpe met merkwaardige akkuraatheid, wat foute in elke produk tot die minimum beperk.

  • Presisie gereedskap masjien
  • Gevorderde spuitgietmasjien
  • Outo-verpakkingsmasjien
gevorderde masjien

Mededingende pryse

Onthul onverbeterlike waarde sonder kompromie. Ons strategiese pryse kombineer kwaliteit en koste-effektiwiteit, wat beide jou winspunt en produk uitnemendheid versterk.

  • Grondstof koste
  • Produksiekoste
  • Logistieke koste
mededingende prys

Wat ons gelukkige kliënte sê

Klantbeoordelings is altyd die beste weerspieëling van ons produkte en dienste. Kyk na wat ons kliënte gesê het.


“As 'n chirurg het ek instrumente nodig wat nie net presies is nie, maar ook betroubaar is. PMS se spuitgevormde skalpelhandvatsels en -tang was 'n spel-wisselaar in my operasiesaal. Die kwaliteit is uit die boonste rakke, en die feit dat hulle op volhoubaarheid fokus, laat my goed voel oor die gebruik van hul produkte. Ek beveel PMS sterk aan vir enige gesondheidswerker wat op soek is na uitnemendheid en betroubaarheid.”

Dr Emily Thompson



“Die bestuur van die voorsieningsketting vir 'n groot hospitaal is geen geringe prestasie nie. Ons benodig produkte wat kostedoeltreffend is sonder om kwaliteit in te boet. PMS se spuitgevormde mediese houers het bewys dat dit albei is. Hulle aandag aan detail, reg van produkontwikkeling tot vervoer, het my werk baie makliker gemaak. Boonop strook hul volhoubaarheidsinisiatiewe goed met ons hospitaal se doelwitte.”

Mark Johnson



In orthopedics, the materials we use must meet the highest standards for durability and safety. PMS’s implantable devices, like hip and knee replacements, have consistently met and exceeded those standards. Their commitment to quality assurance and innovation sets them apart in the industry. It’s a brand I trust, and my patients do too.

Dr. Sarah Lee

Orthopedic Specialist

Jy vra, ons antwoord

For any further inquiries or specific questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

A: PMS specializes in a wide range of healthcare products, including surgical instruments, medical containers, implantable devices, and diagnostic equipment components.

A: Yes, our products are designed to be easily sterilized, making them ideal for medical applications.

A: We use a variety of medical-grade plastics, including polyethylene, polypropylene, and specialized biocompatible materials.

A: Our clientele mainly consists of B2B customers, including brand owners, importers, wholesalers, and distributors.

A: Absolutely, we offer comprehensive services from product development and design to production, packaging, and transportation.

A: We have rigorous quality control measures in place, including testing protocols and compliance checks, to ensure the safety and effectiveness of our products.

A: Yes, our products meet or exceed various international healthcare regulations, providing peace of mind to our clients.

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